Attendance Policies
At Austin Achieve Public Schools we take attendance very seriously. Daily attendance in school is a strong indicator of future success. #AllScholarsCollegeReady #AttendTodayAchieveTomorrow
Daily Attendance
Regular daily attendance is expected of all scholars as frequent absences from school have a critical bearing on their educational and emotional social progress. Appointments with doctors and dentists should be planned during vacation periods, after school hours, or on weekends.
In the event of an unforeseeable emergency and/or illness, we request that parents/guardians notify the front office via phone or email by or before the first bell on the morning of the absence. Please also arrange to get your child’s missing assignments.
Compulsory Attendance
The state compulsory attendance law requires that a scholar between the ages of 6 (or who is younger than 6 and has been previously enrolled in first grade) and who has not yet reached age 19 must attend school and certain school-required tutorial sessions unless the scholar is otherwise legally exempted or excused. School employees must investigate and report violations of the state compulsory attendance law. A scholar absent from school without permission — including absence from any class, required special programs, or required tutorials — will be considered truant and subject to disciplinary action.
Notice to Parents: Under Texas Education Code § 25.095(a), you are hereby notified that if a scholar is absent from school on ten or more days or parts of days within a six-month period in any one school year or is absent for three or more days or parts of days within a four-week period, the parent is subject to prosecution under Texas Education Code § 25.093 and the scholar is subject to prosecution under Texas Education Code § 25.094 or to referral to a juvenile court in a county with a population of less than 100,000 for conduct that violates that section.
Attendance for Credit (“90% Rule”)
Texas Law states: “a student in any grade level from kindergarten through grade 12 may not be given credit or a final grade for a class unless the student is in attendance for at least 90 percent of the days the class is offered” (Texas Education Code § 25.092), including both excused and unexcused absence types.
A scholar who attends fewer than 90 percent of the days the class is offered will be referred to the attendance review committee to determine whether there are extenuating circumstances for the absences and how the scholar can regain credit, if appropriate. Parents may be required to attend an emergency attendance meeting as deemed necessary to determine the root causes of the truancy and establish next steps.
Excused Absences
In accordance with the Texas Education Agency’s Student Attendance Accounting Handbook, an absence will be considered excused if the absence is for one or more of the following reasons and is accompanied by official documentation:
● Appearing at a governmental office to complete paperwork required in connection
with the scholar’s application for United States citizenship;
● Documented health care appointments, if the scholar begins classes or returns to
school on the same day as the appointment;
● Illness, only when accompanied by a provider note verifying the condition that caused
the absence(s);
● Juvenile court proceedings documented by probation officer;
● Observing religious holidays;
● Required screening, diagnosis, and treatment for Medicaid-eligible scholars;
● Serving as an election clerk;
● Taking part in a scholar’s United States naturalization oath ceremony; or
● Temporary absence resulting from any cause acceptable to the campus Principal.
with the scholar’s application for United States citizenship;
● Documented health care appointments, if the scholar begins classes or returns to
school on the same day as the appointment;
● Illness, only when accompanied by a provider note verifying the condition that caused
the absence(s);
● Juvenile court proceedings documented by probation officer;
● Observing religious holidays;
● Required screening, diagnosis, and treatment for Medicaid-eligible scholars;
● Serving as an election clerk;
● Taking part in a scholar’s United States naturalization oath ceremony; or
● Temporary absence resulting from any cause acceptable to the campus Principal.
Note: handwritten notes by parents will not be accepted as “official documentation.”
The school will also excuse a scholar from attending school for travel under the following circumstances:
● Appearing at a governmental office to complete paperwork required in connection
with the scholar’s application for United States citizenship;
● Attending a required court appearance;
● Observing religious holy days;
● Serving as an election clerk; or
● Taking part in a United States naturalization oath ceremony.
● Appearing at a governmental office to complete paperwork required in connection
with the scholar’s application for United States citizenship;
● Attending a required court appearance;
● Observing religious holy days;
● Serving as an election clerk; or
● Taking part in a United States naturalization oath ceremony.
Any scholar participating in an activity listed above will be allowed one day’s excused absence for traveling to the activity and one day’s excused absence for returning from the activity.
Unexcused Absences
Any absence not listed above will be considered an unexcused absence. Examples of unexcused absences may include, but are not limited to:
● Car trouble;
● Failure to bring an official doctor’s note or other official documentation within two
school days following an absence;
● Leaving school without the permission of a campus administrator;
● Oversleeping;
● Personal business; and
● Vacations.